

Hyundai Tucson: Air Conditioning System

Hyundai Tucson - Fourth generation (NX4) - (2020-2023) - Workshop Manual / Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) / Air Conditioning System


 Air Conditioning System - Instructions (R- 134a)

When Handling Refrigerant R-134a liquid refrigerant is highly volatile. A drop on the skin of your hand could result in localized frostbite. When handling the refrigerant, be sure to wear gloves. It is standard practice to wear goggles or

 Air Conditioning System - Instructions (R- 1234yf)

WARNING The R-1234yf liquid refrigerant is a flammable gas. The gas reduces oxygen available for breathing and causes asphyxiation in high concentrations. The victim will not realize that he/she is suffocating. Inhalation may cause ce

 Refrigeration Cycle

Engine Room Compressor Service port (Low pressure) A/C pressure transducer (APT) Service port (High pressure) Suction & Liquid pipe assembly Expansion valve cover Interior Auto defogging sensor Photo sensor PM s


 Rear View Monitor (RVM)

Description Back view camera will activate when the backup light is ON with the ignition switch ON and the shift lever in the R position. This system is a supplemental system that shows behind the vehicle through the H/UNIT or the ECM (Reve

 Jump starting

Jump starting can be dangerous if done incorrectly. Follow the jump starting procedure in this section to avoid serious injury or damage to your vehicle. If in doubt about how to properly jump start your vehicle, we strongly recommend that you
